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Are you Cyber Secure?

"There are ony two types of companies: those that have been hacked and those that will be."
Robert Muller, FBI Director
WHEN: Thursday 16th January '25 - 5pm to 7pm
WHERE: The Days Inn Hotel by Wyndham, Wetherby Services.
(Located just off the A1 at LS22 5GT with free parking)
COST: Free to manufacturers (£20 plus VAT for non-manufacturers)


Don't be complacent.

UK SMEs are at significant risk of hacking and the consquences can be devastating:

  • Days of not being able to service and consquent loss of revenue and even clients

  • Disruption and disabling of manufacturing capabilities or operational systems

  • Fraud and mis-direction of business funds


These are just some of the ways that unlawful actors, home and abroad, will target your business for financial gain and to cause havoc.


Access isn't just limted to your computers, it could be through your machinery, lighting systems or even vending machines.


Hear from one of the region's experts in assessing the risks for you and how getting cyber secure will not only offer the best protection but help by reducing your insurance premiums.


This event isn't just for IT and Systems professionals. It is crucial that everyone in the business can challenge and make sure the risks of damage are minimised.



This will be an evening event at a location in the Harrogate or Leeds area.



To be kept up to date and register your interest, simply drop us a note using this link.


We'll be providing drinks and nibbles and there will be a chance to meet other Yorkshire manufacturers and make great connections that can help your business.


Remember we are "Stronger Together".

Get involved - reserve your place

If you're a senior individual in a manufacturing business and you'd like to come along, we'd love to see you.

Feel free to share this event with relevant colleagues and get them involved too.

We often find that when more than one person comes from a business, the business benefits from discussions about what each took from the event. The more the merrier.

NOTE: If you are NOT a manufacturer and you'd like to attend, please call or email us to request a ticket and we'll be back in touch.

Take a look at how Yorkshire manufacturers will be stronger together

As an organisation that is focused on helping businesses like yours to thrive, the Yorkshire Manufacturers Forum runs a wide range of events to help you connect with like-minded people and gain insights to help your business to become stronger and stronger.

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